Bishop of Lincoln’s Social Justice Fund

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This is a really good opportunity for those voluntary and community groups across Greater Lincolnshire addressing the root causes of social injustice to apply for funding to help them tackle issues such as poverty, loneliness and isolation and homelessness.

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Grant Overview

​The fund is made up of £667K from the Diocese of Lincoln, and £333K via The Community Foundation as part of a Government match-funded scheme

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Picture of <strong> Grant manager: </strong><br><br>Helen Cater<br>

Grant manager:

Helen Cater

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Cavan and Hayley are excited that the Foundation has again been trusted to distribute substantial funding as part of the GRASSroots Scheme. The impact felt through previous iterations of the GRASSroots Programme has been immense and we look forward to working with East Lindsey District Council and grassroots level organisations in East Lindsey through the East Lindsey Investment Fund GRASSroots Scheme to support community-led initiatives which will propel East Lindsey forward in line with the priorities of the East Lindsey Investment Fund.