East Lindsey Investment Fund GRASSroots Grant Scheme (ELIF)

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Cavan and Hayley are excited that the Foundation has again been trusted to distribute substantial funding as part of the GRASSroots Scheme. The impact felt through previous iterations of the GRASSroots Programme has been immense and we look forward to working with East Lindsey District Council and grassroots level organisations in East Lindsey through the East Lindsey Investment Fund GRASSroots Scheme to support community-led initiatives which will propel East Lindsey forward in line with the priorities of the East Lindsey Investment Fund.

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Quick look

Grant Overview

Staff and Trustees at Lincolnshire Community Foundation (LCF) in conjunction with East Lindsey District Council are pleased to present the East Lindsey Investment Fund GRASSroots Grant Scheme which aims to support community-led efforts in East Lindsey which invest in and restore their community spaces and create the foundations for growth at neighbourhood level. The intention of this Fund is to strengthen the social fabric of communities, create opportunities for social connections to develop and thrive as well as further develop access to services for local residents.


Who can apply?

This scheme is open to not-for-profit community groups, registered charities, social enterprises and town and parish councils delivering projects in the District of East Lindsey.


How much can you apply for?

Grants of up to £24,999 can be applied for by prospective applicants. This includes capital and revenue costs.


What can be funded?

Projects must align with the aims of the East Lindsey Investment Fund, particularly around its target area of community development. Prospective projects must should address themes identified by East Lindsey residents and address one or more of the following priorities:

➢ Community Facilities 

➢ Community Cohesion

➢ Core Strength

➢ Digital Exclusion & Transport

➢ Young People 

➢ Older People  

➢ Heritage, arts & culture

➢ Energy efficiency for community buildings 

More information about these priorities is noted in the Fund Guidelines available by clicking the orange ‘Download Application’ button.


What cannot be funded?

The following aspects cannot or are unlikely to be funded through this Scheme.

➢ Projects promoting religious or political beliefs

➢ Capital works to domestic properties 

➢ Individuals 

➢ General contributions to large appeals unless the majority of match funding support is in place 

➢ Projects not taking place in the area of benefit (East Lindsey) 

➢ Grant making bodies applying for funding to redistribute to others 

➢ Retrospective expenditure or unsustainable deficits or loans 

➢ Funding for capital projects (play equipment, outdoor gym equipment etc) where there has been no local consultation 

➢ Renewable energy sources such as solar panels 

➢ Requests for large capital projects where match funding has not been secured 

➢ Projects that cannot spend funding, deliver work and report on impact by the end of August 2026 

➢ Projects where the applicant has a limited track record in local delivery 

➢ A project that requires substantial capacity building (e.g. specialist recruitment) 

➢ Activity that duplicates pre-existing private or public sector funding or activity that the applicant has a statutory duty to undertake. 

➢ National or regional organisations 

➢ Applicants with an open UKSPF GRASSroots or ELIF GRASSroots project


How do I apply?

Please complete the application form and all supporting documentation (listed in the application form) downloadable through the orange ‘Download Application’ button and submit this either electronically to elif@lincolnshirecf.co.uk or by post to ELIF GRASSroots, Lincolnshire Community Foundation, 4 Mill House, Carre Street, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 7TW


If I’m successful, what will happen next?

We will generally notify you within six weeks of a closing date with the outcome of your application. If you are awarded a grant, it will be paid directly to the bank account listed in your application. Payments are usually made in arrears. However, where an applicant does not have the financial resource to cover project costs, payments may be made in advance or in staged payments.

You MUST spend your grant either within 1 year or within the timeline set by LCF and provide feedback halfway through your project (if longer than 6 months) and upon conclusion of project spend and completion of work. We’ll tell you more about this if you are successful.


What do you do with my application?

We’ll email you to confirm we have received your application once you have submitted your form. If we have any further questions or need additional information during our in-house assessment period, the Grants Managers for this Scheme will be in touch to discuss this with you.

Lincolnshire Community Foundation will then arrange a meeting with ELIF Panel members to discuss your application further, so they can determine what awards should be made, taking into consideration:

  • whether or not you meet the criteria for the fund 
  • what impact your project will have on East Lindsey residents
  • how well your project fits with the object of the Fund

We will let you know the outcome of your application within 6 weeks of the closing date for the Round in which the application is submitted to us.


We would ask that you please familiarise yourself with the Grant Guidelines and Application Form prior to making an application. If you would like to have a conversation with one of the Fund Managers regarding the ELIF Scheme or a potential project for this, please contact either Hayley Crawford or Cavan Collins at 01529 572575 or email elif@lincolnshirecf.co.uk

Apply now

Picture of <strong> Grant manager: </strong><br><br>ELIF GRASSroots Team<br>

Grant manager:

ELIF GRASSroots Team

More Grants

Cavan and Hayley are excited that the Foundation has again been trusted to distribute substantial funding as part of the GRASSroots Scheme. The impact felt through previous iterations of the GRASSroots Programme has been immense and we look forward to working with East Lindsey District Council and grassroots level organisations in East Lindsey through the East Lindsey Investment Fund GRASSroots Scheme to support community-led initiatives which will propel East Lindsey forward in line with the priorities of the East Lindsey Investment Fund.