Horncastle Health and Wellbeing Fund

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Set up as a legacy of the War Memorial Cottage Hospital in Horncastle, to support groups with projects relating to mental health & wellbeing for the residents of Horncastle.

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The Objective of the Fund is to assist with the physical & mental health and Wellbeing of the residents of Horncastle. The aim is to distribute £13,200 per year to not-for-profit community groups who can apply for up to £2,000. Funding for individuals relating to health & wellbeing can be applied for through the Horncastle support team, based at the Community Larder in the Community Centre. 

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Picture of <strong> Grant manager: </strong><br><br>Katie Littlewood<br>

Grant manager:

Katie Littlewood

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This scheme provides a fantastic opportunity for organisations to deliver projects that bring people together whether by improving built infrastructure, delivering opportunities for people to take part in new activities, get involved in volunteering, support digital connectivity or long term sustainability & resilience of community organisations across these districts