UK Shared Prosperity GRASSroots Grants Fund

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This scheme provides a fantastic opportunity for organisations to deliver projects that bring people together whether by improving built infrastructure, delivering opportunities for people to take part in new activities, get involved in volunteering, support digital connectivity or long term sustainability & resilience of community organisations across these districts

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Grant Overview



To enable places to invest in and restore their community spaces and create the foundations for growth at neighbourhood level.  The intention is to strengthen the social fabric of communities, building pride in place by improving local community infrastructure, creating opportunities for social connections to develop and thrive.

Funding has now been fully distributed in East Lindsey and Boston Borough and therefore the Fund is now closed to applications in these districts.

Please ensure that if you are making an application, that any planning requirements and quotations for work are in place, that match funding is secured, and that your project can be fully spent, completed, and reported on by the end of February 2025.



If you have completed your projects and have been requested to complete an Outcomes Report, please use this document as a guide to help you.

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Picture of <strong> Grant manager: </strong><br><br>Helen Cater<br>

Grant manager:

Helen Cater

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Cavan and Hayley are excited that the Foundation has again been trusted to distribute substantial funding as part of the GRASSroots Scheme. The impact felt through previous iterations of the GRASSroots Programme has been immense and we look forward to working with East Lindsey District Council and grassroots level organisations in East Lindsey through the East Lindsey Investment Fund GRASSroots Scheme to support community-led initiatives which will propel East Lindsey forward in line with the priorities of the East Lindsey Investment Fund.