Ukrainian Refugee Integration Fund

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The voluntary and community sector has adapted to provide essential services such as drop-in services, employment support, and peer support groups without financial aid. This fund is crucial to help these organisations to sustain their operations and cover overhead costs.

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Grant Overview

Help for new or existing community groups, charities and other not for profit organisations.


Grants may be made for charitable purposes to help Ukrainian refugees integrate into their local communities in Lincolnshire.


If your organisation applied to this scheme in the first round, a shortened version of the application form is available to cut down on the administrative burden.   Successful applicants will need to have submitted a satisfactory Impact Report prior to applying for additional funding.


Applicants should clearly demonstrate how they are responding to the immediate and future needs of Ukrainian refugees and able to deliver support before 1 March 2025.  Priority may be given to applications that can start to deliver impact sooner, rather than later, and those collaborating at local level.


New applicants will need to submit a full application form, governing documentation, committee details, recent financial accounts, and a detailed cost breakdown with evidence.


The purpose of the fund is to build upon existing foundations and encourage future sustainability so that longer term support can be offered to Ukrainian refugees.



Funding will be targeted at organisations that deliver positive outcomes, supporting current and ongoing needs of Ukrainian refugees living in Lincolnshire, ensuring their health and wellbeing is maintained.  For example, projects could include, but are not limited to:


  • Reducing isolation and vulnerability and promoting cohesion
  • Maintaining good health and mental wellbeing
  • Tackling the impacts of financial hardship (access to benefits, employment advice)
  • Help to make promote connectivity (e.g. digital inclusion, peer support groups) 
  • Skills and cultural awareness opportunities
  • Funding to support refugees moving into independent accommodation.


Project costs considered: resource to directly support vulnerable and/or isolated Ukrainian refugees, programme running costs/overheads; resources and equipment, digital resources, counselling support, volunteer costs and expenses, travel costs, an appropriate contribution towards fixed costs, materials etc.


Who can apply:

Voluntary and community organisations, including:

  • Registered charities, including charitable incorporated organisations; constituted organisations and non-registered charities;
  • Community interest companies and community benefit societies;
  • Parish and town councils (if the funded activity is not deemed part of their statutory duties)
  • Churches and other religious organisations (if the funded activity is not deemed to be proselytising);


Who can’t apply:

  • Statutory bodies such as district councils or health institutions
  • Political or predominantly religious activities
  • Statutory provision
  • Animal welfare
  • General contributions to large appeals
  • Improvements to land/buildings
  • Building work/purchase of vehicles
  • Grant making bodies applying for funding to redistribute to others


About The Grants

  • We aim to distribute around £100,000
  • Grants are for a maximum of £10,000 subject to funding availability
  • There is a shorter application form for grants of less than £500
  • Payments are normally made in advance
  • Closing dates: 1st May 2024 decisions to be notified within 4-6 weeks of closing date
  • All grants to be spent by 1 March 2025


What supporting documentation do you need to apply?

  • Constitution or set of rules
  • A bank or building society account in the organisation’s name with at least two signatories
  • A recent bank statement
  • Up to date accounts or income and expenditure account
  • Other relevant policies and procedures (vulnerable children/adults’ policy, equal opportunities)


How to apply: Complete an application form and submit it, along with supporting documentation by email to


If you would like to know more about this Fund, have a chat about the type of support you would like or need assistance to complete an application, please contact Sue Fortune on 01529 305825

Apply now

Picture of <strong> Grant manager: </strong><br><br>Sue Fortune<br>

Grant manager:

Sue Fortune

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Local Trust have invited the Foundation to work with the local partnership to distribute significant funding for the benefit of residents across Birchwood. We would encourage potential applicants to contact us to discuss a project before applying so we can guide you through the process.