North Kesteven Lottery Grants Scheme

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The Fund is a wonderful opportunity for the community to apply for funding to receive support in continuing making North Kesteven prosper. I’d encourage any group interested in applying, but not sure whether they might be eligible, to contact us at LCF

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Quick look

Grant Overview

Funding will be targeted at organisations that deliver positive outcomes, supporting current and ongoing needs of people living in North Kesteven, ensuring their good health and wellbeing is maintained.

Priority will be given to smaller, local, volunteer-led community groups requesting help to deliver projects and/or activities led for and on behalf of the community.

For example, projects could include, but are not limited to:

  • Reducing isolation and promoting cohesion;
  • Maintaining good health and mental wellbeing;
  • Promote connectivity (e.g. digital inclusion, peer support groups);
  • Community/cultural activities and events;
  • Youth activities (including uniformed groups).

Project costs considered: Volunteer costs and expenses, resources and equipment, event costs (including refreshments & entertainment), premises costs, sessional fees, digital resources, running costs and overheads, insurance, and annual census/subscriptions.

What cannot be funded:

  • Statutory bodies such as district councils or health institutions;
  • Political or predominantly religious activities;
  • Statutory provision;
  • Animal welfare;
  • General contributions to large appeals;
  • Improvements to land/buildings;
  • Building work/purchase of vehicles;
  • Grant making bodies applying for funding to redistribute to others.

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Picture of <strong> Grant manager: </strong><br><br>Hayley Crawford<br>

Grant manager:

Hayley Crawford

More Grants

Cavan and Hayley are excited that the Foundation has again been trusted to distribute substantial funding as part of the GRASSroots Scheme. The impact felt through previous iterations of the GRASSroots Programme has been immense and we look forward to working with East Lindsey District Council and grassroots level organisations in East Lindsey through the East Lindsey Investment Fund GRASSroots Scheme to support community-led initiatives which will propel East Lindsey forward in line with the priorities of the East Lindsey Investment Fund.