
The Rock Foundation in Grimsby oversees two Food Bank sites in the town. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, both sites have seen over double the number of new visitors. Over a period of one week in April 2020, the food banks served almost 7,000 meals; an unprecedented amount for the group.

The Food Banks are supporting more vulnerable members of the community such as those who may be homeless, including those who are sofa surfing, and the group have seen a huge increase in self-employed, newly un-employed or those on zero-hour contracts presenting to both sites as social distancing measures, and Coronavirus response has taken hold.

With the funding awarded by Lincolnshire Community Foundation to the Rock Foundation, the Food Banks in Grimsby were able to meet the substantially increased demand; helping to cover the cost of pallets of food which have also soared in price as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. The Rock Foundation has also extended its services to deliver food to those in Grimsby who are self-isolating, and ensuring that staff and volunteers are provided with PPE when serving the community.